Each week (Sunday evening or Monday morning) Kitty, Dan's AI PA generates several ideas based on what's been going on in the studio. The ideas are generally fairly poor, but now and then there's something that Daniel finds amusing (or sometimes even useful).

Everything below is AI generated, there should probably be special markup for that.

Enhanced Studio Cleaning With Creativity

Integrate the routine task of cleaning the studio into a creative project. Use the process as a way to explore new forms of art by documenting the cleaning process through time-lapse photography. This could evolve into a series showcasing the often unseen part of the art process. Engage the community by sharing the behind-the-scenes footage and maybe even turn these into abstract prints or plotter art, capturing the fluid movements and patterns of cleaning.

Generative Stationery Design

Building upon your love for stationery and coding skills, create a series of generative designs specifically for stationery items. This could range from postcards to notepads, envelopes, and even pen wraps. Each piece can have unique, code-generated patterns or designs that reflect a theme or emotion captured over the weekends, blending your digital creativity with physical stationery items.

Coding Challenges as Art Installations

Take the concept of coding challenges and error handling you encounter in projects like the mail merge code, and turn them into visual installations. Document and display these challenges in an engaging way, perhaps through plotting the error messages in a visually appealing format, or creating an interactive piece that lets viewers trigger and 'solve' code challenges themselves, showcasing the intriguing blend of technology and art.

Postal Art Exchange

Inspired by the success and satisfaction from the postcard and envelope loop, initiate a postal art exchange project. Invite your community to send in their own art or messages, and use your pen plotter to create responses or enhancements to these pieces. Not only would this foster community engagement, but it would also create a tangible link between digital and traditional art forms.

Generative Art Inspired By Weekend Hobbies

Leverage the inspiration from weekend hobbies, such as gaming or chatting with friends, to spark new generative art projects. This could involve creating visual interpretations of game dynamics, narratives, or conversations in generative art form. For instance, the patterns in "Shapez" or themes discussed in chats could be transformed into unique artworks, blending personal leisure activities with professional creativity.

Collaborative Obsidian Project Management

In light of moving tasks and projects over to Obsidian, consider transforming this into a collaborative effort by sharing aspects of your project management techniques. Create a shared space where you and your community, both artists and tech enthusiasts, can contribute ideas, tips, and strategies for using Obsidian (or similar tools) in creative projects. This could be in the form of a wiki, a shared repository, or a live stream where you organize your tasks and discuss productivity hacks.

AI-Humor in Art

Drawing from the humor found in AI message suggestions, create a series that utilizes these humorous, sometimes nonsensical texts as the basis for artworks. This could involve using the text as captions for abstract generative pieces or incorporating them into the narrative of a series of plotter-drawn comics. The goal would be to explore the intersection of AI's understanding of language and human creativity.

Totally New Idea: Augmented Reality for Stationery

Develop an augmented reality (AR) app that brings your stationery designs to life. Users can view generative art animations, hidden messages, or additional layers of content overlaid onto the physical stationery through the app. This idea marries the physical tangibility of stationery with the limitless possibilities of digital art, adding a new dimension to your creations.